Healthcare SIG
Submission for the Healthcare SIG track is now closed.
Call for Papers: MSOM Healthcare Operations Management SIG 2024 Conference
University of Minnesota
June 30, 2024
University of Minnesota
June 30, 2024
The Healthcare Operations Management Special Interest Group (Healthcare SIG) of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society will hold its annual conference on June 30 2024, preceding the MSOM 2024 conference (July 1-2).
The Healthcare SIG cordially invites submissions for papers that bridge healthcare and operations management. We highly value submissions that represent the forefront of collaborative efforts between scholars and practitioners, such as clinicians or healthcare administrators, and that demonstrate significant methodological innovation and practical implications. We welcome both analytical and empirical submissions, including those with a strong methodological foundation or those that are more applied in nature. Papers will be selected through a rigorous double-blind review process conducted by an expert panel. Accepted presentations will be organized into a single track on the SIG Day.
Important Dates
SIG submission system opens: February 1, 2024**
SIG submission deadline (full paper): February 15, 2024**. Please note, if you want your work to be considered for the MSOM main conference presentation (in case of rejection by the SIG) you must also separately submit an extended abstract to the MSOM main conference by February 20, 2024**. Additional details are below in item 1 of "Submission Guidelines and Review Process."
Please note that no extensions will be given for the submission deadline. To facilitate the review process, we encourage you to submit your papers as early as possible.
Notification of acceptance decisions: April 30, 2024**
Submission Guidelines and Review Process
A link to the SIG submission site will be available on the conference website on February 1**.
1. Parallel submission to the MSOM main conference
SIG authors who want their paper/talk to be considered for MSOM main conference presentation (in case of rejection by the SIG) must also submit an extended abstract to the MSOM main conference separately by February 20, 2024**, which is the standard submission deadline for the main conference. Please indicate the corresponding SIG submission when submitting to the MSOM main conference. Review of SIG paper submissions and main conference extended abstract submissions will occur in parallel. Extended abstracts submitted to the main conference in this way will go through the usual main conference review procedure, independent of the SIG review. If a paper is accepted for SIG presentation, it will be removed from consideration for the main conference. This process helps ensure consistent review standards for the main conference.
2. SIG Submission Options:
Authors can choose from two distinct submission options for SIGs, each following a separate review and decision process (summarized in the table below):
Dual Purpose (SIG+M&SOM 1RR): These submissions are considered for both the SIG-Day presentation and the first-round review at M&SOM.
Eligibility: Papers not under review at any other journals.
Review: Conducted by the M&SOM journal review team (DE, AE, referees) using the M&SOM journal review form.
SIG-Day presentation: Determined by SIG-Day Event Co-chairs.
M&SOM journal: Determined by the M&SOM review team
Papers recommended for Major Revision continue at M&SOM with the same review team.
Papers not recommended for Major Revision at M&SOM may be submitted to M&SOM as new submissions.
Single Purpose: Considered for SIG-Day presentation.
Review: Conducted by the SIG-Day Event Co-chairs and reviewers using the SIG review form.
Decision: Made by the SIG-Day Event Co-chairs.
Paper Format
Each paper should comply with M&SOM journal formatting standards
To facilitate double-blind review, the paper should not contain author names.
The paper should be submitted as a PDF file.
The submitting author should be the presenter and will be considered "primary author" in the system. Once your paper is accepted, you will upload a non-blinded paper with author names in the order they should appear.
The same work cannot be presented more than once during the entire three-day conference. Therefore, please do not submit the same work to multiple SIGs. (However, please do submit the same work to both a SIG conference and the MSOM conference if you want the submission to be considered for the MSOM conference in the case of a rejection at the SIG conference.)
Each attendee is limited to one non-SIG submission to the MSOM conference, one submission to each SIG Meeting, and two presentations during the entire three-day conference period.
2024 Healthcare SIG Conference Co-Chairs:
Hessam Bavafa, University of Wisconsin-Madison (
Daniel Zhichao Zheng, Singapore Management University (
MSOM Society Healthcare SIG Chair:
Susan F. Lu, Purdue University (
M&SOM Journal Guest Department Editor:
Lauren Lu (
**All dates reflect US Central Time Zone, and subject to flexibility