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ALL submissions for INFORMS MSOM are now closed.

The 2024 INFORMS MSOM Conference will consist of SIG Day on June 30 and the Main Conference on July 1 and 2.  Submissions to SIG Day and to the Main Conference will both be processed through the online system EasyChair.

Submitting to the Main Conference. Authors who wish to be considered for a presentation at the Main Conference should submit via EasyChair at the link on the bottom of this page. After registering/logging in to EasyChair, create a new submission. When prompted to select a track, choose “Main Conference” to proceed with submission of a three-page extended abstract.

CLOSED - Submitting to SIG Day. There are two distinct options for authors who wish to be considered for a presentation on SIG Day.  For each of the two options, authors should first follow the link at the bottom of this page to EasyChair, then register/log in, and then create a new submission. 

Note: When submitting a paper for SIG Day, please choose either the appropriate SIG track or the appropriate SIG+1RR track, but not both. For detailed descriptions of these two options, refer to the SIG Calls for Papers on this website.

If you submit for SIG Day (under either of the two distinct options above) and wish to have your work considered for presentation in the main conference in case that it is not selected for presentation on SIG Day, then you must also make a separate three-page abstract submission to the main conference by February 20, 2024 (in addition to the full-paper submission to SIG or SIG + 1RR).

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