MSOM CALL for papers

Submission for the Main Conference is now closed.

The MSOM 2024 Conference will be held on the campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis from Sunday, June 30 2024 to Tuesday, July 2, 2024. On behalf of the organizing committee, we are delighted to invite you to the conference.

The SIG mini-conferences will take place on Sunday with the main conference taking place on Monday and Tuesday. More information regarding the call for papers for the main conference as well as for the six SIG mini-conferences is available on the conference website (msom 2024 dot umn dot edu).

The calls for papers from the six SIGs are available here:

Note that, in departure from previous years, anyone interested in presenting at the main conference is required to also submit a three page abstract before the standard February 20 submission deadline. This includes those submitting full papers for consideration in the SIGs and who are interested in presenting at the main conference should their paper not be accepted by the SIG.

The following are key dates and deadlines:

For presenting in the main conference:

For presenting in any of the six SIG mini-conferences:

Registration dates are as follows:

We look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the conference organizing committee via email at

Abstract Format


**All dates reflect US Central Time Zone, and subject to flexibility

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